This the objective of this healthcare industry user experience study was to gather insights about how product development teams operated and recommend ways in which technology can help streamline their process and increase collaboration. The final report defined team personas and used vignettes to tell the story of how specific collaboration tools could streamline their processes and increase collaboration based on insights gathered from the study.

I developed vignettes for each recommendation scenario to tell the story of how certain recommended technologies would increase collaboration and productivity within the product development teams.

Pearsonas were developed for each of the major types of team roles that were identified through the study. The personas mapped out variations of an "employee mental model" to help visualize what was important to each persona.

Wireframes were key to making the study findings actionable. This wireframes illustrate the various UI recommendations for redesigning the product development teams existing systems.

This diagram mapped out what a typical product developement team looked like and how all the roles related to each other. One recommendation from the study was that this diagram be used as a template to be filled out at the launch of each new product development cycle to help educate the team players on the various roles within the team.

This diagram mapped out the information flow from team-to-team and phase-to-phase. This was served as the main reference point for redesigning several UIs and document repositories.