The goal of this initiative was to create a conceptual design of a new client relationship management application that combined several disparate, primitive systems into a newly imagined, single intelligent experience.
I analysed existing client research and then conducted several design workshops to explore a direction for the concept.
Based on the learnings from the workshop, I explored several ideas and then converged on a solid direction. From there I created a visual language to present client relationships in a new, unique way that allowed Financial Advisors to be see their client relationship in a more proactive and productive way.
The new timeline visualization became the central theme of the experience.
The designs were validated with actual users on several points within the project, iterated and re-tested. UX collaborated closely with the visual design team.
The conceptual design process and also added several new features to enable a more efficient holistic workflow for the advisor.
• Biggest firm-wide driver of engagement
• Advisors who adopted this platform saw a 4x revenue growth over advisors who did not use this platform

Conceptual Sketches and Feature Exploration

Wireframe Designs and Interactive Prototype (Axure)

Visual Designs

Visual Designs