This goal of this illustration was to tell the story of the desired user experience that this enterprise IT team wished to express to it's audience and how a new web application would be at the heart of the initiatives success. It started out as a whiteboarding session to brainstorm the intended concept. I sketched out this intial ideas as we were discussing to roughly capture the thoughts we were sharing.

Next, I went to my sketchbook and started to refine the concept and visual presentation into a meaningful way that told the story in a clear and concise way. I felt the last thing that was needed was a typical flow chart approach. The intent was to show a symbiotic relationship between all the working parts of the IT division with the web application at the center of it all, tying everything together. I decided on a circular visualization since it would be better at communicating those relationships an more clearly show everything working together to enhance the overall user experience.

Working in Illustrator, the final design was digitized and refined. A color pallet was choosen and then the final illustration was built out. The design was sectioned off in various ways so that it could be presented as a poster and also be included in several presentations (Prezi and Keynote) depending on the intended audience.